Kit Applications

If you are a football team applying for a kit donation, please read the following.

As KitAid is just a small volunteer run charity with a very limited income, we do not send kit overseas ourselves. Instead, we act as the kit collecting agent and we partner with charities and individuals here in the UK who arrange for the kit we donate to be sent to Africa and beyond.  Each charity has to sign a “Partnership Agreement” with us, which commits them to getting the donated kit overseas at their expense. They also have to commit to providing photos and feedback once the kit has arrived. If this does not happen we will not work with the charity/individual again.

If you do have someone in the UK who can act for you and meet the Partnership Agreement conditions, please ask them to email us at

We will then invite them to collect kit from us either in Hatfield, Hemel Hempstead or Liverpool.

Thank You


73 replies
  1. Isaac Offei
    Isaac Offei says:

    Please I’m a teacher in the Jaman North District of Ghana. My school is very young and lacks a lot of things including sports kits. We would be very much grateful if you could help us in that regard. Thanks and God bless you abundantly. Don’t not hesitate to ask any questions you seen necessary.

    • Bonface Juma
      Bonface Juma says:

      Hello, above is my name and I do run a community based organization by the name Young United Football club based in Kenya. The club has four programmes namely; football, life skills, leadership and education, the purpose of the programmes is for the holistic growth of the players though through our day to to day activities we have been facing lots of challenges especially on football amenities like balls,cones,bibs and so forth. With your support in this I believe there will be social change as well as development in our community.

  2. Calvin mshikelwa Mulamba
    Calvin mshikelwa Mulamba says:

    I am writing on behalf of Jamii Youth Association (JYA) a community based organization founded in 2019, dedicated to improving the living conditions of disadvantage youths and other vulnerable people in Kakuma Refugee Camp, kenya.

    Jamii Youth Association is engaged in sport activities and Sexual Reproductive Health.

    Therefore,we would like to seek launching a partnership with your organization consisting of assistance and volunteer efforts.

    Thank you for your kind understanding and hoping to receive a positive response from your organization.

    Best Sincerely
    Calvin Mulamba
    JYA Director

  3. Usama
    Usama says:




    I won’t share with you some information about my acamdey and Football development work.

    This acamdey working for poor and homeless children
    And this acamdey need support from your organisation.

    100 Children played in this acamdey without kits shoes he much needed shoes kits to improvement in his game.

    First of all reply me and we talk more about acamdey and Football club

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon thank you.

  4. Molibeli Frantsi
    Molibeli Frantsi says:

    I am in Lesotho is the Southern part of Africa. I run a soccer club of about 30+ kids and all of these kids come from disadvantaged households, they cant afford to buy any kind of kit and i would appreciate it if we got help from KitAid.

  5. Patrick Mapalo
    Patrick Mapalo says:

    Hello! I work in the rural part of Zambia in the north. I was sharing with a friend in the UK about the needs to engage youths in the north of Zambia. That’s when they shared your work. I would like to know more on how you can assist us with soccer balls, jerseys, shorts & clients?

  6. Enough Mkatshwa
    Enough Mkatshwa says:

    Please help me I have a small boys they love soccer but I’m not have a kit please help improve this section 0765609330

  7. Daniel Iheka
    Daniel Iheka says:

    I’m Daniel as a senior coach in Nigeria, I love football so much, it bring joy to me,
    I also bring light to younger once who feel they have been neglected in life and that’s make me to build younger talented players to be encouraged and engaged to be fitted by making their dreams come reality.

    Group of teams are;

    Under 10, 26 players.
    Under 12, 26 players.
    Under 14, 26 players.

    Lacking of kits makes them uncomfortable.
    Please I need your mutual support to keep the light shining and come to my Aid.

    My requirements are;

    balls, Jerseys, long sleeve jerseys, Boots,
    Pullover, Hose.

    Beebs, Cones, pallet Cones, Cope Ladder, Skipping Rope etc*

    I’ll be grateful and glad, if you consider our requirements as a support to younger star player’s.
    Thank You.

    Stay Safe!

    Best regards.

    +2349092284280 – WhatsApp.

  8. Ssekibuule William
    Ssekibuule William says:

    My name is Ssekibuule William from Uganda the pearl of Africa and I am football fan. I supported Everton since I was 7 years old and my friends nick named me “Everton” due to limited Everton supporters here in my Uganda.

    Few years I have started football academy to help young kids to develop their football telants and also giving them support towards educational side.

    The academy was started myself dedicated to help kids in my community like Everton in the Community works because EITC inspired me to do such a project. And am planning to make it official in the name of “Everton Soccer Academy Uganda” because am so proud to be Evertonian.

    I selflessly raise money to pay for both kids footballing endeavors (tournaments, balls, boots, kits and etc) and on the educational side supporting them with books pens, writing pads pencil and more of school requirements.

    Am requesting for more support because the number of kids are increasing with few equipments and I wish you can help us with training equipments, balls, kits boots and anything you can do for us thanks.

  9. George Osoya
    George Osoya says:


    Football without Borders Kenya is happy to come across what you’re doing to support the movement of projects and development of the communities.

    We’re a community based organization using sports as a primary tool to mobilize youths in the community, using Agribusiness as our first able activities for the food security, Health and Education. The community as a higher rate of HIV infections we use life skills integrated with sports to deliver different information to reduce the rate of infection and for peace building.

    Every year we have Football 4 Agriculture league which is targeting more than 1000 youths from under (13,15,17,19) both boys and girls in the communities to be equiped with the knowledge of sustainablity (Sustainable livelihood activities) so that at least they can remain in school and to fight against school dropout by subsidizing their school related cost, buying pens and books, create employability opportunities for the youths through starting their own small businesses.

    We request to know more about your donation support to other organizations, the requirements so that we can apply to help us in continuing in supporting the communities.

    We’ll appreciate to be supported by your organization this year that we have a lot of challenges, problem owing to Covid-19 which make us lack equipments for the upcoming Football 4 Agriculture league.
    Thank you in advance and I hope to hear from you soon

    Follow us all sites:

    Best regards

    Executive director
    Football Without Borders Kenya
    George Osoya

    • Lamin saine
      Lamin saine says:

      Hello my name is Lamin saine from the Gambia in a village call essau am having a team call young sport development we really need help with football jeasay an football shoes if you can help yours please

      • luke elliott
        luke elliott says:

        Hi, my youth football team are looking to support a charity and send lots of our unused football kits. Please let me know if you are interested. its from 7 years up to 16 years

        many thanks

    • Olisemeke Okonta
      Olisemeke Okonta says:

      Greetings Mr George,
      I just read your messages and I must say I am really impressed by all you’ve said.
      I may not be an organisation, but I am simply interested due to the passion displayed via your message.
      All I can say is, I would love to work with you in the near future as I also intend to set up an foundation in honour of my late father …a Sports and Education foundation.
      I hope we can work and plan together as time goes by.

      Thank you for all that you do.

      Hon. Olisemeke Okonta.
      Delta State, Nigeria.

  10. Vusumzi Ziki
    Vusumzi Ziki says:

    Good afternoon sir or madam I hope this message finds you well. My is Vusumzi Ziki, I am player of Clever Boys FC, club that that focuses in developing young athletes around Khayelitsha. The club is based in Makhaza. We have four division; under 12, under 14, under 16 and senior team. I would like to propose kit sponsorship or donation.
    Contact person :Unathi Mleya
    Founder and Chairman
    Vusumzi Ziki: Senior player

  11. Kris
    Kris says:

    Thank you KitAid for this rare opportunity.
    My name is kris and also the founder of Kris Football Academy. My mission is to lay off as many as possible underprivileged children off the street into the professional game of football so as to showcase their innate abilities.

    One of our major challenges are uniforms and training kits.

    Kindly avail us with this rare opportunity of helping us attain our goals by helping to sponsor us in what ever capacity to reach this dream.

    We will forever be indebted to you as we are most grateful.

    Thanks in anticipation and cheers!

    From all of us at
    Kris Football Academy

  12. Nyanzi Faizo
    Nyanzi Faizo says:

    Hello am Nyanzi Faizo the proprietor of Sports Organisation of Lugazi(SOL) a communtiy based organisation running through sports to enable youth have better education here in uganda.
    We ask for donation of kits ranging from balls,jerseys,bibs,cones and other essential items for sports.
    Nyanzi Faizo

  13. Yusif Dolo
    Yusif Dolo says:

    my name is yusif dolo lives in Sheffield south Yorkshire
    am in collecting old football kits to support the privilege kids in Ghana
    ,will be happy to hear from you soon

  14. Abeid Manga
    Abeid Manga says:

    I am writing on behalf of NURU FOOTBALL CLUB located at Nyamwaga district, Tarime,in Mara region of Tanzania. The club was established in 2020 and joined the fourth division league where currently still fighting for promotion to third division.
    Our main target is to search and promote talented footballers as well as to train youths who have the passion for football, so as they can play professional football. But also we are using sport as part of educating youths to eliminate the unwanted social-cultural practices such as FGM (Female Genital Multilation ) ,early marriage and forced marriage that are common in our society. We are also playing part in providing health education to all sportsmen around us and even to visitors who visit us for friendly matches.
    For us to meet all these targets we need capital or essential football equipments.
    Thanks to the work done by Kitaid, therefore we kindly request your donation if possible for ;
    (1) Football Jersey
    (2) Training equipments (Balls,cones and football ladders)
    We are hopefully waiting you to review our request and if interested please kindly help us meet our targets. We believe that we are a bridge for tomorrow’s youths.
    Please contact us at any time for any kind of information that you’ll need from us.
    May Almighty God bless you.
    Abeid Manga
    Chairman of Nuru Football Club.
    +255 626 560 198
    Whatsapp contact.

  15. Godfrey Mwasenga
    Godfrey Mwasenga says:

    Hello,i thank you for the heart you have, i am the CEO of Usambara Fc here in Tanzania, the club is aiming at raising and developing football talent of young boys and girls, but lacking football kits, we now hope our challenge is going to be solved. Praying for you to help us.blessed


    Le Collège Léopold Sédar Senghor “CLSS” à Ikela, Province de la Tshuapa organise un championnat interscolaire de 12 et 14 ans pour les écoliers et élèves de la grande cité d’Ikela et ses environs mais les matériels font cruellement défaut. KITAID ne peut pas venir au secours de cette jeunesse qui n’ont que le football pour passion ?
    Parfaite considération.

  17. Michael parper
    Michael parper says:

    Good evening my name is Michael Parper,, I will be coaching in Sierra Leone ,west Africa at the end of year
    And I will be grateful if I can try and get some football kit, for example

    Boots balls

    Michael Parper

    • Shafusa
      Shafusa says:

      We are a grassroot soccer organization for development based in South west region of Cameroon. We use soccer to promote peace and development in our communities. We equally use the game to teach and better the lives kids in different various communities , for more informations you can verify our Facebook profile and page.
      We humbly request for used or recycled gears to permit us foster our activities and create more impact in many more communities.
      Thanks , wishing you all the best , while hoping to hear from you soon.

  18. Job ochieng otieno
    Job ochieng otieno says:

    Hello am from Kenya having academy named Nyawango football academy for football U12-U20 but lacking training kits for players to show their tallent kindly assist am happy for the good work to others consider me too

  19. Alhagie Papa Sey
    Alhagie Papa Sey says:


    I am the President of YSD Football Academy in The Gambia. I am writing to apply for kits to support our academy. We are really in need of these kits to support our initiative. We have a contact in the UK, who can collect the kits on our behalf as well.


  20. Paul Mwaniki
    Paul Mwaniki says:

    Hi. My name is Paul Mwaniki. I am a soccer coach for a small local club based in Rùkùrir-rì, Embu.

    I came by your website and liked the training concepts and animations, which we have started using in our training with success.

    I am kindly requesting support in form of donations of both new and used soccer training materials – from training kits, gloves, boots, balls, cones, hurdles, hoops, etc. to improve our standards.

    We have two junior and a senior team playing in the local league and tourneys.

    You are most welcome to visit us here in Kenya.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thanks again.

    Paul Mwaniki

  21. Ifeanyi Ernest Ilo
    Ifeanyi Ernest Ilo says:

    Greetings KitAid!
    I founded a football group two years ago in a slum called Okpoko in Onitsha Metropolis of Anambra State of Nigeria. The group was Named SANCTA MARIA FC. The founding ideology was to engage youths/children positively, identify cum develp talents, fight drug use and abuse and reduce crime as many unengaged youths take up to crime in the area. Put simply, we want to provide platform for poor talented footballers to showcase their talents to the world – grassroots football development.
    We have about 26 grown up players and over 37 kids who are under 15years of age currently in our programme. Most of these kids came from a very poor background making it difficult for them to afford playing kits.
    Therefore, we humbly appeal for your assistance in the areas of kits, training equipments and footballs.
    We will be glad if we are considered.
    You can follow us on Facebook @Sancta Maria FC. We working hard to get a Website.
    Thanks upfront as we look forward to getting a positive response from you.


    Good day

    My name is Ishmael Mosue from south africa in north west province and i would like to get donations for soccer kit because am removing kids from the streets who have a passion of football and at my village that is called Madidi we lack people who can support us and it will be a great thing if we manage to get donations from you.

  23. Shafusa
    Shafusa says:

    We are a nonprofit organization using soccer to improve lives, foster development. We humbly apply for used kits and gears ,to help us put smile of faces.

  24. Josephat
    Josephat says:

    Dearest in the Lord

    We are writing this letter in relation with the needs that our orphanage is facing and inorder to request you to help us raise funds to meet our orphanage needs.

    We have an in-house for children up to 17 years of age which offers them education up to secondary level ( form 4 ). We work hard with these children to help them complete their basic education but we strongly feel that by helping them learn different kinds of vocational activities we will help them learn many things other than academics only. We focus on providing them training of stitching, pottery making, painting, cooking essentials, motor car mechanics, plumping, carpentry and other wood works etc. so that they can be trained in various ways so that when we release them to the world they can go live an independent life.

    We need funds to be used for setting up a vocational training center for the children under our care and even many others from poor families in the communities around us.

    We need help in renovating the facilities that we have so as to up-grade the living standards of the children at this orphanage.

    We need volunteers so as to help the children improve and make a catch-up in their school learning and compete with other children from normal homes but giving the extra lessons in some subjects including playing with them, English, Mathematics etc.

    We need food, clothes, water, solar power, footballs, shoes, school fees etc.

    We would be very grateful if your organization would consider helping us with this project and our needs. Any kind of contribution from your organization will help these children change their lives for good.

    We will prayerfully look forward for your kind response, dearest in Christ Jesus.

    Thanking you in anticipation,


    Josephat Kirutu

    Watoto Wa Africa
    We also need footballs, boots, and other football kits for our orphanage and other needy children from around us whom we always arrange soccer tournaments every time schools are in recess.

  25. Thomas Kwaku Sovor
    Thomas Kwaku Sovor says:

    Please. I’m a teacher in Shiare RC Basic School located in Nkwanta South District of Oti Region, Ghana. I would like to request for donation of sports kit for my school.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    EDDY MUSWELA says:

    I’m Eddy Muswela a coordinator in Zambia, I running community women soccer initiative, aim is to teach Girls from low to become better children, I have girls from the age group of 8 to 20 participating in my project
    I also bring light to girl once who feel they have been neglected in life and that’s make me to build girls talented players to be encouraged and engaged to be fitted by making their dreams come reality.
    Under 08, 12, 14, 20 and also 10 women who are volunteering with as and we have 120 membership.
    Please I need your good support will keep the light of the valuable shining and come to my Aid.
    Please help as with soccer equipment such as cones, balls, bibs jersey, t/shirts
    We have two junior and women team playing in the local league and tourneys.
    You are most welcome to visit us here in Zambia.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Thanks again.
    Eddy Muswela

    • George Kanyama
      George Kanyama says:

      I am from Zambia, a teacher of English and girls football team coach.
      I help girls aged between 13 and 20 to develop their football skills and compete at various levels. My aim is to produce skilled players to feature in the national team and play for big clubs. The girls love playing the game but are usually hindered by lack of training equipment such as as cones, boots, bibs, balls, socks and match day kits.

      I would be grateful if my girls are considered for any donations. Currently, I am in the UK for studies, but I will be returning at the end of this academic calendar.

      I look forward to hearing from you

  27. Lubega Musa
    Lubega Musa says:

    “Pray and Play”

    Mutindo Football Club was founded by Lubega Musa a Ugandan in Mityana District. It’s a simple village team with passionate players below 30, 20 and 18 years of age. We want to use football to improve the lives of these talented individuals so that they can benefit in their talent but the problem is funds. As a director and the manager of this team am a normal farmer and a university student which implies that I can’t fully support our team.

    Empowering the Youth through Football

    To be the Leading football club in East Africa that provides and plays quality football that contributes to youth development and leaving standards.

    Having analysed the issue of football as a key sport in my area, majority of the talented footballers lack empowerment and motivation with unity. Some told me that the main problem they face is funding to the extent that they don’t have requirements. So I compiled my information and the key issue was finances. According to our team coach, we at least need 500 dollars a week, which is almost 2000 dollars a month. I sat with all footballers and we came up with a monthly budget of 2500 dollars per month without their salary and allowances because have been trying to clear it.

    I and my team we humbly request for financial assistance to achieve our mission and vision. We will be happy to here from you.

    SUR NAME: Lubega
    GIVEN NAME: Musa
    NATIONALITY: Ugandan
    D.O.B: 27th_July_1996
    CONTACT: +256781663596 also on WhatsApp


  28. Cadeau Munonge
    Cadeau Munonge says:

    I’m Cadeau Munonge I represent a youth team situated in Malawi at Dzaleka camp. To keep a youth together we organize a soccer team we are wishing to call it Yanga we like the way Yanga perform this year’s so with our demand is to have kit of soccer things . We will be grateful of Yanga team.
    Thanks for your understanding.our contact: +265985756333.
    Secretary Cadeau Munonge

  29. Geoffrey James Miyogo
    Geoffrey James Miyogo says:

    I’m a teacher in Etago Sub-County, Kisii County in Kenya. My current school which I joined as a teacher in 2018 is small but with enthusiastic students who are always ready to learn and train to be good upcoming players. As the Head of Games Department, a role I took up immediately I joined the School, I have done a lot to try and build talent. My first initiative was to convince the School to fully sponsor talented students who lack school fees and are enthusiastic in growing their talent. The Principal has been very supportive in that end as of now we have over 40 students on scholarship; some of these students that lack a lot of personal effects are under the support of teachers who try and help them on regular basis, sometimes this is overwhelming but we soldier on.
    Of importance is that we really lack basic playing and training equipment; from playing boots, bibs,cones,markers and uniforms since the school is overwhelmed now that these players are fully sponsored in boarding sectionbfor their 4 years in School.
    My plea to you is to assist my School get these equipments and I will most appreciate for your generosity.

    Please don’t hesitate to ask for any clarification.

    Full Name: Geoffrey James Miyogo Onchomba.
    Nationality: Kenyan
    D.O.B 1986
    Phone No;+254720129832

    ALLAN MUKOKA says:

    we as a team we are requesting assistance form your noble organization .seeking support weather or kit or financial support we highly apricate with your kindness ,our team is facing a lot of challenge’s hence applied to your organization asking for support .we ill be much highly apricate if you answer as .yours faithful ALLAN MUKOK FROM SOLWEZI ZAMBIA

  31. Lamin saine
    Lamin saine says:

    Hello my name is Lamin saine from the Gambia in a village call essau am having a team call young sport development we really need help with football jeasay an football shoes if you can help yours please

  32. Lamin saine
    Lamin saine says:

    Hello my name is Lamin saine from the Gambia in a village call essau am having a team call young sport development we really need help with football jeasay an football shoes if you can help yours please an our team WhatsApp number is +2202086512 an hoping to here from you please

  33. Bukenya George Willy
    Bukenya George Willy says:

    Christian greetings,

    When I got the kit from kitaid UK,our teams and clubs are very excited because we had nothing at all. The teams enjoy competitions and are proud.
    The struggle continues to find sports shoes and balls we need for the 6 we have.

  34. Jolly Collins Ssenyonjo
    Jolly Collins Ssenyonjo says:

    I take this opportunity to greet every staff member of kit aid
    I’m Jolly Collins Ssenyonjo from Uganda who captains our small village football team Kanjuki black tigers in Kayunga district our team is now in fourth division but we are lacking football kits like balls,bibs, jerseys, shoes and cones our team is under Church of Uganda and we are praying hard so that our request should be granted

  35. Thabelo Ndou
    Thabelo Ndou says:

    To Whom it may concern.
    Asking for kit donation.
    The above matter has reference: Chipolopolo football club is currently on the second development league in South Africa. The team is situated in the poor community where there’s +- 200 people. This team was remade in 2021 after it was affected badly by Covid-19. The development of players in the local communities stopped due to lack of support from local businesses.
    The aim of the club is to grow talents and develop local youth in the world of sports.
    On behalf of the community and the team I am asking for help with soccer related products (soccer kits, balls, nets and boots, training kit and coaching equipment)
    You’re most welcome to contact me at any time.


    Subject: Request for Soccer Equipments Support.

    It is unfortunate that I am writing this letter to you with a request but kindly take your time listen. This is to inform you we are a group of native youths in Kisii town, Kenya. I have lately fixed up a small initiative which is running free soccer training sessions for youths from the area in an effort to keep them engaged, give them opportunities to explore their soccer talents and mitigate the rampant drugs and crime habits that are potentially inclined with these youths.
    I have finally managed to build a house for the most poverty-stricken and vulnerable youths which has a total of 15 rooms but only 5 rooms are currently functional due to inadequate funds to finish the rest. I currently host 10 needy youths who have shown exemplary development and improvement since accommodation resources are scarce. The house is adjacent to the training field as I bought the land close to the field to offer the youths the most important soccer resource, playground.
    I have always had the urge to save my community from crime and drugs as well as save the listing lives of innocent youths whose future ambitions have been blurred by these aspects. For this reason, I pay a guidance and counselling specialist when need arises to deal with individual concerns of the youths. My initiative has worked positively and productively as I have been able to save over 35 delinquent juveniles from the streets and given them a decent live through soccer. Luckily, the numbers keep increasing significantly and now I manage about 80 youths who are soccer enthusiasts. However, am not employed but am a freelancer with a university bachelors degree in mathematics and computer science. To offer my players better training services, I have successfully undertaken a soccer coaching course and passed well. My main problem right now is incomplete housing, food and training equipments. Being careful not to ask for too much, I would like to make a request for soccer equipments, especially balls, from your association.
    I have a plan which mainly focuses on starting a soccer club that can raise revenue for the enthusiastic youths but I don’t have funds to collect the important resources like equipments, adequate accommodation resources and registration fees. Community members who are impressed by this initiative have been supporting us with meagre food donations but not on a regular basis since volunteers cannot be coerced to give more than their will.
    I have applied for official support to many agencies and associations to give the community and the youths a lasting benefit from soccer but for 9 years now the youths still play barefoot and with minimal resources.
    It has been a struggle running this initiative but the youths’ determination and unwavering hope keeps me going. I, along with my nearly 100 youths, are making this generous request to bring your attention to us so that you could grant us some necessary equipments. The equipments that you will provide will help in bringing a smile to many faces by helping them to make a good life for themselves by the means of this initiative. Kindly consider our request if you understand our quest for support.
    Please let me know if you want to know more about us and our activities, I would love to share more with you. Thank you for your consideration and acknowledgment. I hope to hear from you and would like to show my working strategy that might interest you as well.

    Yours sincerely,
    Job Israel Mandere,

  37. Solomon
    Solomon says:

    To whom it may concern
    I am asking for donation of soccer kits. Refentse silver stars is situated in the rural areas of stinkwater and it’s main aim it’s to keep the children out of the street and reduce the escalating rate of teenage pregnancy and drug abuse. The team consist of the following divisions boys under 9,11,13,15,17 and senior and girls under 15 and 19 . Donation of a kit will be highly appreciated .

  38. Andrew
    Andrew says:

    To whom it may concern
    I am asking for donation of soccer kits. WolmaCity Stars FC is from North West, Wolmaranstad est 2020 and it’s main aim it’s to keep the children out of the street and reduce the escalating rate of teenage pregnancy and drug abuse. The team consist of the following divisions boys under 9,11,13,15,17 and senior and girls under 15 and 19 . Donation of a kit will be highly appreciated .

    Leave a Reply

  39. young sables soccer academy
    young sables soccer academy says:

    I appreciate the help KitAid is providing worldwide in support of ensuring that teams have proper kits, your contribution is most appreciated. Young sables soccer academy is a wholly girls soccer club based in rural Hwange, Zimbabwe. It was established in 2019, with the main aim of promoting participation of girls in soccer, over the years the academy has grown into a strong entity having over 70 players go through its system. The academy recruits players from ages of 10 years – 25years. In the year 2022 the academy introduced a boys under 15 team as part of its expansion program. The academy faces severe challenges of football equipment and kits. We hereby write to KitAid seeking assistance in securing football kits and accessories for the academy. The background of all our players is from poor communities hence families find it difficult to fund much of the sporting activities. off football activities we are heavily involved in conservation activities, drug and abuse campaigns.
    contact details of club director
    zazu tawanda james
    +263 778 685 526

    your assistance in this regard is greatly appreciated

  40. Mugoya Abel
    Mugoya Abel says:

    We are so happy here in Uganda for the work you are doing towards the football game. We as Mission boys Football Club located in Bugiri district are asking for a helping hand. We lack training equipment and kits for both the girls and the boys team. We are participating in the 4th division of the football league in Uganda. The team was cre

  41. Mugoya Abel
    Mugoya Abel says:

    We are so happy here in Uganda for the work you are doing towards the football game. We as Mission boys Football Club located in Bugiri district are asking for a helping hand. We lack training equipment and kits for both the girls and the boys team. We are participating in the 4th division of the football league in Uganda. The team was created in 2016 with the aim of developing talent for the orphans who are living in Uganda.
    You can reach us via our email
    missioboysfc2016@gmail or +256773248955 (WhatsApp) or our Facebook page ( Mission boys FC Muterere)

  42. Eddie muswela
    Eddie muswela says:

    Thanks sir /madam drop this massage to your good organisation which a heart for the women and youth soccer. I would like to partnership with your organisation in soccer education and intercultural exchange program . For more detailed information I will send via email. With the support of your organisation in soccer equipment it can takes a long way to development women soccer in my communities.
    Eddy muswela
    Project coordinator

  43. designs_sports_wear
    designs_sports_wear says:

    Hi, hope you are doing well..

    We are clothing manufacturing company located on Sialkot Pakistan..

    We make customize clothing, Football jersey, Basketball jersey, Baseball Jersey, Volleyball jersey, Soccer Jersey, Ice-Hockey jersey, Americanfootball, Bjj Kimonos, Mma Shorts, Muay Thai, Leggings, Bra, Shorts, T-shirts, Hoodies, Sweatshirt, Singlet, Rashguard, Trouser, Tracksuit, silk-jacket, Swim-wear, Bikini, Sports-Wear, Gym-wear, Fitness-wear, Team-wear clothing..

    We can make your own brand clothing with your brand logo..

    Please let me know about your interest..

    We offer factory price. Delivery at door step..


    • Raising future Charity Organization
      Raising future Charity Organization says:

      we are charity ministry organization seeking for support and help from you please we give a hand to the homeless people any kind of help like used and old staffs like clothes shoes school materials and sports materials and many others.

  44. Raising future Charity Organization
    Raising future Charity Organization says:

    we are charity ministry organization seeking for support and help from you please we give a hand to the homeless people any kind of help like used and old staffs like clothes shoes school materials and sports materials and many others.

  45. smadu maseko
    smadu maseko says:

    We are a first under15 Development team in my Area in Eswatini in a rural place Bhunya, Team’s name is Macembe Youngsters Development, We are in serious need of soccer equipment to groom and nurture the future sters
    Contact: +26878678893

  46. Adiss Football Academy
    Adiss Football Academy says:

    Dear Derrick

    I am writing to you today with a mixture of pride and concern. Our soccer academy is an NPO and has been a place of hope and opportunity for many young boys and girls from vulnerable and underprivileged backgrounds. Their passion for soccer is undeniable, and their determination to succeed is inspiring. However, as the number of participants continues to grow, the burden of providing them with the necessary training materials, boots, and kits has become overwhelming.

    Ninety percent of the kids in our academy come from challenging circumstances, where access to basic resources is limited. Many of them lack proper equipment and gear, which are essential for their training and participation in games. As their coach and mentor, it pains me to see their dreams hindered by such obstacles.

    We believe that every child deserves a chance to pursue their dreams, regardless of their background. That is why we are reaching out to our community and beyond for support. We are humbly requesting your assistance in providing these young players with the tools they need to excel in their soccer journeys.

    Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a world of difference. By providing training materials, boots, and kits, you are not just giving them physical objects. You are empowering them to overcome the barriers that stand in their way and helping to create a level playing field where talent and hard work can shine through.

    There are various ways you can help us. Donations of new or gently used soccer equipment, such as balls, cones, bibs, and training accessories, will directly impact the quality of our training sessions. Financial contributions, no matter the amount, will go towards purchasing boots, uniforms, and other essential items for our young players.

    Additionally, we welcome partnerships and collaborations with local businesses, community organizations, and philanthropic individuals who share our vision of supporting the dreams and aspirations of these deserving children. Together, we can create lasting change and provide them with the opportunities they deserve.

    We understand that times may be challenging for many, and any support you can offer is deeply appreciated. Your generosity will not only help fulfill immediate needs but also create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the soccer field. By investing in these young individuals, you are investing in the future of our community.

    To contribute or learn more about how you can help, please DM or reach out to us at +27 614369012. Let us join hands and give these aspiring young soccer players the chance to thrive, grow, and showcase their talents.

    Thank you for your consideration and support. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of these deserving children and provide them with the means to pursue their dreams on and off the field.




    Postal Address: 8 Aerial road Sanddrift Millerton Cape Town South Africa


    With gratitude.

    C. Stino Dassi

    Founder and Head Coach.

  47. Ireen Zulu
    Ireen Zulu says:

    This is Mrs. Ireen Zulu Kamanga from Lilongwe Malawi.
    Iam a wife and mother of two girls. I live in a community known as area 21.
    I`ve been living in this community for over 6yrs now. It is a community with so many youths with nothing good to do but to indulge themselves in stealing, smocking weed, taking elicit alcohol and loitering around aimlessly. As a family, we`ve been supporting a few with food, moral and spiritual support as they come. In one of my conversations with them, they requested that I purchase a football for them so that they can have something to entertain themselves. My challenge is sports attire, boots, socks and water bottles. These are youths who are energetic with great potential. It will be of great privilege and honor to have your sponsorship.

    Your assistance / support will be greatly appreciated.
    Sincerely, yours
    Mrs. I. Z. Kamanga.

  48. FORTUNES Okoronkwo
    FORTUNES Okoronkwo says:

    We are a youth academy based in Nigeria in need of Soccer Jersey’s shorts, socks and cleats. We will be glad to receive these items from kitaid.

    Thank you

  49. Jonah Ouma Okode
    Jonah Ouma Okode says:

    Hello,am Jonah Ouma Okode a teacher a football coach in our school,Ndhiwa Hospital Primary, in Homabay -Kenya.
    I am writing this to seek for kit donation of balls,boots,jerseys among other equipment to our young talented boys and girls in our school.With the little creativity and use of locally available materials we do make paper balls for our learners in their sporting activities. Despite such challenging circumstances, we are celebrating one boy, Bob Sam Olela,in grade 7 who proved worth his football prowess,creativity and talent right from the grassroots to the recently concluded National Primary Ball games held in the City of Kisumu-Kenya where he showed the whole country his exemplary talent as a goalkeeper. We shall forever be proud of him.
    Your support will not only come as a surprise but also a timely blessing for our young self motivated boys and girls in our school.

    Kindly,we shall be waiting in anticipation. I thank you.
    Regards,Jonah Ouma Okode,

  50. Tatenda madyauta
    Tatenda madyauta says:

    Hie,I’m a football coach in a small village in Masvingo in Zimbabwe.I am writing this to seek for kit boots,jerseys,corns balls and other equipment that can make my players develop in terms of skills…can you please help me

  51. Eric Owiredu Osei
    Eric Owiredu Osei says:

    Hello,please I’m Eric from Ghana.I run a charity called Reliance Charity Foundation which does outreaches all over Ghana including partnering schools and giving back to underprivileged children etc.Please we will be glad to have your support with sports items and some clothes donation for undeserved children here.Also Mr.Raymond from Fafali organization told me to contact you.He recommended me.Thank you.


    I started a football team in 2021 in a rural community in Ghana with the aim of helping shape the talents in the rural community. I started with 15 players. Currently, I have under 13, under 17, under 20 and ladies team. In all, I have 85 players hoping to add more but the strength is less. Am therefore appealing to you to come and support me both used and unused sports kites. The name of my team is YOUNG STARS situated in Nwoase a village in Nkoranza south municipality Bono East region of Ghana.I would be very grateful to hear from you. Thank you.

  53. Happy Stuart balinda
    Happy Stuart balinda says:

    We are rise the homeless and develop their football ⚽ talents we humbly request you to help us with boots, jerseys and footballs so that we can develop their football talents of the homeless and we get children from different part of the country of Uganda we shall be lucky and grateful 🥲 to hear appositive response from you amen 🙏🙏

  54. Gampwedde older age charity organization
    Gampwedde older age charity organization says:

    Gampwedd is an inclusive registered non-government charity organization whose main mission is “to restore hope for the elderly”. we work hand in hand with the young and older persons to create an environment where both the young and old people can harmoniously leave.
    we implement our activities in different ways and among them we take sports as a way to connect the young generation with older persons and foot ball is an important tool in achieving this.
    we get young people from volunareble families of the elderly and train them in our academy to empower them and make them busy during their free time out of school to avoid them from involving in bad activities that can lead their life into waste.
    through this we ensure that, the nurturing of this young people and involving the old persons also take part in playing foot ball on the same pitch makes our old people feel loved by the young people in their communities and also make them relieved from stress and depression as most of them are left a lone in thier homes.
    we there fore call for your support with sports equipment which can help our beneficiaries during their exercising activities and playing and among them are; sports boots, truck suites, shorts, jerseys, stockings, balls, mobile goal posts, bibs and body tights, water battles, clutches and walking trolls, cones, sports bicycles, gym equipment among others.
    we are looking forward to hearing from you and thanks in advance.
    Sylus Jeyo Wandera
    Director of programs and operations
    Gampwedde older age charity organization Uganda
    +256-775-703486/ +256-701435065

  55. Beny ngole
    Beny ngole says:

    Hi I’m just someone helping the kids who lost they parents in Congo war to play football but I can’t buy them everything myself because I don’t enough money if you guys can help with some kits so that would be Good and helpful please contact me 07516161706 thanks

  56. James wanyama magero
    James wanyama magero says:

    Hullo, I am country Director of Bilp Initiative Uganda NGO operating in Eastern Districts of Uganda in Busia, Namaingo and Bugiri. I’m writing this to seek for kit donation of balls, boots, jerseys among other training equipments for our young talented boys and girls in our community with the little creativity and use of locally available materials. As NGO through sports we are identifying talented young boys and girls that to give them meaningful future.
    You can reach us on

  57. Kay Mwansa
    Kay Mwansa says:

    Am teacher running a football team in Zambia but we’re lucking training materials for the girls kindly help in any way 🙏🙏

  58. Mzi Duma
    Mzi Duma says:

    Good morning. I’m mziwamadoda Duma from south africa.. I need assistance regarding donations for used Kit, tracksuits and jackets etc for poor people from my townships and villages. Who are real in need, because of very poor backgrounds.

  59. Nathan wadah
    Nathan wadah says:

    Hi my Name is Nathan wadah from Uganda..I want to first the management of kitaid organisation..thank you for the great work done..
    I have afootball academy composed of orphanaged boys and needy boys from poor families (59) of them..we need serious support from you people and if all goes well come to Uganda and see the boys..Thank you so much!


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