Entries by kitaid


We’ve set up an account for KitAid with Easyshopping and we now need to try and promote it to our supporters to encourage them to register.  It is really easy (hence the name!) and could be beneficial for us, as if you choose KitAid as your preferred charity we will recive a payment for every online […]

Herts FA

You may remember we entered into a charity partnership last year with the HFA. Apart from Louisa attending some of our boxing up sessions we haven’t really had the time to launch or develop the partnership further but we are about to do so. Louisa has arranged for all of the County Cup Finals (25 […]

Barry Lenton & BBC Radio Merseyside

Barry has launched part 2 of his Merseywide/Marine FC collection and he is trying to reach 10,000 shirts collected by the end of the season. He has recently passed the 7k milestone, which is amazing. He has got support from BBC Radio Merseyside which helps, not only with the shirt appeal but in terms of […]

Ellen White – Arsenal and England Ladies

Thanks to Helen for contacting Ellen White and for getting her interested in KitAid. As a result she donated a mountain of her own England and Arsenal training kit and has expressed an interest in coming along to a boxing up session soon. We held an official presentation at a St Albans City match in […]

Chesham Utd v Barrow FC – FA Trophy 2nd Round – 15 Dec

A great draw as it brings 2 clubs who have supported KA together. I have sponsored the match ball in KA’s name and David Ingham (RC for Cumbria) is a mad Barrow supporter and will be travelling down. David doesn’t really get the chance to get to many of our events so it will be […]

Marine AFC Collection

Barry Lenton did fantastically well in 2012 by collecting 6,600 items of kit and he is re-launching the appeal in Jan with the target of reaching 10,000 items. He has persuaded BBC Radio Merseyside to support him again so fingers crossed it will be another success. Well done Barry/Marine FC.

Totals for 2012

In 2012 we sorted, packed and donated 775 boxes of kit which amounts to an amazing 26,775 items. Across the world we have kitted out the equivalent of 1,785 teams, which is amazing, but even better, we have brought 26,775 smiles and a feeling of hope/pleasure to this many people. This convinces me it is […]

Great feedback

We had a great story published on the Evo-stik website last week and a similar story published in yesterday’s Non League Paper, see http://evostikleague.pitchero.com/royals-answer-charity-call-11298/ What I really like about this is how it shows how effective the KitAid model is. It started with a request for help from the secretary of Sutton Coldfield FC, we […]