Entries by kitaid

Easter kit amnesty

You may have already seen some of the publicity for the annual Easter kit amnesty held by the Evo-stik Northern Premier League.  There has been an article on their website and details have been sent to every club, along with a poster we designed for the event. Dave Watters, who is the press officer for […]

Barry Lenton – 10,000 not out!!

A massive well done and thanks to Barry on hitting his target of collecting 10,000 items of kit before the end of this season.  Barry started collecting for us in January 2012 and he has meticulously documented every item, where it came from.  His spread sheet is like a who’s who of every school and […]

From Watford to Wamba

We have recently received this great picture showing Watford FC kit in Wamba, northern Kenya. The kit was taken out by Clare Muir from the Swan Youth Centre in Berkhamsted along with a group of students from Ashlyn’s School. Kit was also handed out to some girls school teams as well as three other schools. […]

New recruits from the University of Hertfordshire

We attended a volunteer fair last week at the UoH and once again it proved really useful in terms of signing up some more helpers and spreading the word. Thanks to Carly Benton for the invite and to the graduate trainees from Affinity Water who very kindly “manned” the stand for us. I am really […]

Stegota FC – pre season tour to Kampala?

Our friends from Stegota are desperately hoping to find a UK non league team who are more adventurous than most teams, to fund their own trip over to Kampala. They will be treated like royalty, apart from during the matches which will be highly competitive, and have a fantastic experience to boot. We have enlisted […]

The Power of Twitter

I know that some of you are already fans but last week we saw an example of how powerful it can really be. We had a fantastic photo of kids in Kenya wearing new Watford shirts which we tweeted and then WFC re-tweeted to their 27k followers. Immediately the photo was being favourite, re-tweeted and […]

Abseil for KitAid

We have been offered a couple of pre-booked slots for 2 people to abseil down the very impressive Spinakker Tower in Portsmouth. Each slot has been pre-booked for Sunday 25 May at 13.00 and they cost £85 each. We have been offered them by a supporter of KitAid in the hope that we will find […]

Boxing Up!

If you have ever wondered how a boxing up session works, or how we transport so much kit across the world, then take a look at our fantastic new film clip. We would like to thank Middlesex University for their help in making the film and we are sure you will agree, it is a […]

From the Trent to Tanzania

One of our most unusual sources of footballs is from our friend Terry Oliver who is a very keen kayaker. Terry regularly finds balls floating on the river Trent that have probably caused the owner much distress when they see their prized football floating away from them. Little do they know that Terry carefully scoops […]

Merry Christmas from KitAid!

Happy Christmas from all at KitAid, below is a list of some of our 2013 highlights!  25,400 items of kit sent all across the World in 2013 (at no expense to KitAid) 725 footballs, sets of goalposts, goal nets and 1,000+ Match Attax cards also delivered We have now sent out 220,000 items of kit […]